"Adira Miller Smith!" we used to joke in SEG. I can't believe its been so long since we were at the homowack and then that ranch place- golden acres? That was definitely an experience. And then we kept in touch all the way through seminary - where I happily encouraged you to come to DB with me and then join me as an "honors girl". I am just flooded with memories Adira. I remember seeing you last year on Strauss, talking about work permits, jobs, finishing college, cholent for Sunday night dinners. And then just two weeks ago we were joking about how your winter coat didnt quite fit anymore now that its finally cold.
But Adira, now it is really cold. I cant imagine, I'm trying to pull myself together, trying to live in a world where you are not. I know that your incredible neshama is being a melitz for all of klal yisrael right now, but am I selfish for wishing it wasn't yours that was needed? You have such a beautiful little girl, I thought one day we would finally get together here and our babies would play together.
Adira, you have left an eternal legacy, one that will never be forgotten, I will never forget you.
I stumbled upon this "accidentally" although, I suppose there are no accidents. One of my friends became part of the group created in her memory on facebook, and although I did not recognize her married name, I decided to look. After reading a little, I discovered her maiden name and then I knew. I have known only one Adira in my life, and we went to SEG the same summer. Even though we did not keep in touch, she left me with such strong wonderful memories of her, all these years later I can still remember. She was one of those people who is so good and kind, that she impacts everyone around her in the most positive way without even always knowing it. It brought tears to my eyes to learn of her passing. Baruch Diyan Emet, and may her daughter, husband, family, and friends be comforted with all the love and kindness she has spread throughout the world.